
Sunset Construction Update: May 4-10

This week crews begin preparations for new sidewalks on the south side of Sunset Plaza. New curbs will be installed at the end of the week. The contractor is also continuing to fix sidewalks and curbs between Alta Loma Road and San Vicente Boulevard.


During sidewalk construction and lane closures in the Sunset Plaza area, patrons are reminded to utilize the off-street parking options. Sunset Plaza provides complimentary parking for patrons of its restaurants and shops directly behind the storefronts.


For those visiting the surrounding Sunset Plaza area, there is ample public parking at The Sunset structure located at 8560-8570 Sunset Boulevard. The parking lot is open 24 hours a day and you may enter the structure through Alta Loma Road.


Starting Sunday, May 9, the contractor will begin grinding the roadway pavement between the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Work will be done at night Sunday through Thursday for two weeks. The Regional Air Quality Management District requires this work be done at night, when traffic in the adjacent lanes is less likely to kick up dust into the air. The noise due to this process was minimal during a section paved at night.


Beginning Monday, May 10, the contractor will seal the cracks, and prepare the surface for the paving of the base layer of asphalt during the daytime hours. The road should have its first layer of asphalt about two days after the roadway is grinded down. Based on lessons learned from the first section of Sunset that is completed, the grinded down surface was smoother to drive on than the existing Sunset Boulevard roadway. Vehicles will be allowed to drive on the grinded surface and the base layer of paved asphalt.


During the regular weekly work hours (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.), traffic lanes will be reduced down to one lane in each direction.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during the construction and temporary lane closures. Please remember that all businesses will be open during their normal business hours, and we encourage you to support your local businesses during construction.


For more information on the project visit www.weho.org/sunsetproject. 


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