The Sunset Strip BID, or Business Improvement District, exists to help its businesses thrive.
Created in 2002, the Sunset Strip Business Improvement District is an assessment district that improves the business and neighboring residential environment on Sunset Blvd. through support services in digital and experiential marketing, event programming, municipal brand partnerships, special promotions, and much more. Our primary goal is to work together to support our commercial district’s economic growth and vitality.
The Sunset Strip runs along Sunset Blvd. from Doheny Road on the west to a half block west of Havenhurst Drive on the east; all businesses located in the district are assessed if they fall within a qualifying category. To determine if your business is located within The Sunset Strip BID, look for the address of your property on the street range listing.
The Sunset Strip BID is comprised of nightclubs, bars, adult businesses, hotels, restaurants, and other, which includes liquor stores/convenience stores with liquor; valet parking services; and retail stores. Each business classification receives an assessment level directly related to the level of service received from the District – the greater the impact the higher the assessment. For detailed information about the establishment of this BID please refer to the establishing ordinance, City of West Hollywood Ordinance 02-621. View the structure for how fees are assessed [PDF].